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Toy Soldier Collector Asset Miniatures Household Cavalry
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Asset Miniatures Household Cavalry

Review taken from 'Casting Around'

I collected two new Household Cavalry figures from Anne and Colin Randall, of Asset Miniatures, at the London show in June. These are two of the promised officers. The bottom rear ends of the officers’ saddle cloths are rounded for the Lifeguards and pointed for the Blues and Royals. An additional distinguishing feature is the plume hanging below the head harness of the horse of the Blues and Royals officer.

So far so good, but then I noticed that both officer figures appeared to have onion shaped plumes on their helmets. Hang on a minute, didn’t I discover (Casting Around, Issue 16) that the Lifeguards have an onion shaped top to their plume while the Blues and Royals have a flat top and straight sides? Ah well, Colin has advised me, with the usual patience, that the officers’ plumes are of similar shape (although they’d still be white for the LGs and Red for the B&Rs), which is just another of the uniform idiosyncrasies to be found in the Household Cavalry. There is another fact I find fascinating but baffling, Lifeguards wear their helmet chain under the lower lip yet the Blues and Royals wear theirs on the chin. I have a lot to learn about all this!

However, never mind about these details, the most important thing to note is that these two new figures are every bit as good as the first three reviewed in issue 16 and, like them, will assemble quite easily (but be patient with those chains and the B&R hanging plume when attaching them to the head harness) and will reward careful painting. The saddle cloths will look splendid painted with care.

If you are a fan of the Household Cavalry and haven’t visited their website, I strongly recommend you take a look at There is lots of information on there and a bonus in the shape of excellent pictures of the Household Cavalry Pageant held in London in June this year, which I believe celebrated the opening of the new Household Cavalry Museum at Horse Guards, Whitehall. Further details on that at

Asset castings measure 54mm approx and these castings cost £13.50 each, plus P&P at 10% within the UK.

Date Published Mon, 10/01/2007 - 13:18
Author: Paul Stocker

Asset Miniatures
12 Norwood Drive
North Harrow
0208 868 0422

Toy Soldier Collector Bastion Models Various Figures
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Bastion Models Various Figures

Review taken from 'New Releases'

Bastion Models are one of those truly traditional UK makers. The company has been around for quite a number of years although many collectors haven’t heard of it simply because Andrew Rose, owner of the business, only produces small numbers of sets each year.

These new sets appeared for the first time at the June show in London. Firstly there is set A94, the Albanian Infantry c.1913 (eight figures but only three shown here), secondly is set A95, the Swedish Air Force (again an eight figure set but only three figures shown here), and finally there’s the Austro-Hungarian Mountain Artillery set (no set number quoted). All sets are fairly unusual subject matter and will no doubt only appeal to a limited number of collectors around the world.

The sets may have limited appeal but these are unusual subjects and it’s always good to see a small maker willing to fill in periods and regiments that the mass market makers are unable to do. The standard foot sets (A94 & A95) are basic in both sculpting and painting, this isn’t a criticism but shows that Bastion prefer to keep its figures very traditional to fit with the older figures by makers such as Britains and Johillco. The Mountain Artillery is a little more detailed, mainly due to the inclusion of so many accessories however the figures themselves still have that very toy-like quality.

The standard eight-figure sets, A94 and A95, retail for £80, price for the Mountain Artillery was unavailable at the time of writing.

Date Published Mon, 10/01/2007 - 13:13
Author: Rob Hendrie

Bastion Models
31 Forest Road
GU33 7BH

Tel: 01730 893478

Toy Soldier Collector The East of India Co. Various Figures
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The East of India Co. Various Figures

Review taken from 'New Releases'

East of India has been in touch with us again with details of some striking forthcoming releases for two of its big ranges.

Firstly are the French Foreign Legion officers, and French Marine Infantry, which have been added to the popular Colonial Collection (c.1900). The Marine infantry had three battalions fighting in China during the Boxer Rebellion. These figures are depicted wearing summer uniform which consisted of a tropical helmet (white with a blue denim cover) together with a single breasted tunic fastened with five copper buttons and blue trousers. The gaiters worn were of white canvass and on the helmet there was a copper anchor badge.

These figures are shown with Lebel rifle equipment and belts, all in black leather. When not wearing a full pack, a dark grey blanket roll was worn together with other necessities as shown on the figures. The figures represent men from the 1st Battalion, 9th regiment of Marine Infantry. This battalion arrived in Peking from Hanoi along with 13th Battery of the Indo-China Artillery Regiment which had six 80mm mountain guns.

The officers are French Foreign Legion from the same period, and again are dressed in tropical attire. The two officers are a Lt. Colonel with binoculars and a Captain firing his revolver.

All the figures in these new sets are to the East of India’s usual exacting standards and should appeal to any collector of matt figures from this era. Prices for these new sets are as follows: (CCF501) FFL Lt. Colonel with binoculars and Captain with revolver $50/£32, (CCF502) French Marine Infantry firing line, six figures $150/£96, (CCF503) French Marine Infantry Support, three figures $75/£48.

The second batch of new additions from the company are from their Ancients series. These three new sets all feature Persian heavy horsemen, and are all members of Cyrus the Younger’s bodyguard. The clothing on each figure shows several Greek influences, the bronze helmet is decorated with a plume made of horsehair, and they are wearing linen jackets reinforced with bronze plates, just like the Greek cuirass.

The horses come from the Medic plains and are thick-set and strong. The chest and head of each was protected by a bronze plate. As the horsemen would have had a variety of weapons, from javelins for the initial attack to, probably, a Greek short sword or axe as a secondary weapon, it’s no surprise to see East of India giving each figure a different one of these weapons.

As with the French Marine Infantry these new Persian Cavalry are well-sculpted, beautifully painted and no doubt will become welcome additions to collectors who have already bought the earlier releases by this company for this period. Prices for these sets are as follows: (ACPC1) Persian Heavy Cavalry charging with axe $65/£42, (ACPC2) Persian Heavy Cavalry at the ready with Javelins $65/£42, and (ACPC3) Persian Heavy Cavalry attacking the Phalanx $94/£60.

Date Published Mon, 10/01/2007 - 13:08
Author: Rob Hendrie

The East of India Company
25th Floor, Unit A
Gee Chang Hong Centre
65 Wong Chuk Hang Road
Hong Kong

Tel: +852 9192 7833

In the UK:
Maison Militaire
39 Bar Street
North Yorkshire
YO11 2HT

Tel: 01723 362257

Toy Soldier Collector Forces of Valor Romans
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Forces of Valor Romans

Review taken from 'Fantastic Plastics'

‘Historical Legends’ – Romans

FOV have been making first class vehicles for quite a while now, and the sets usually had some figures in them. A relatively new venture is separate range of 1/32nd scale painted plastic figures, branded as ‘Historical Legends’. From a standing start the company has crashed into plastic figures in a big way, with a number of periods: ‘Pirates – Pillagers & Plunderers’, ‘Vikings – Raiders & Discoverers’, ‘’Knights of the 100 Years War’, ‘American Civil War’, and ‘The Roman Empire’.

It’s the latter I’ve had for review thanks to Ivanhoe Figures. There are both foot and mounted figures, in a number of different sets. The sets I have seen are 23024, with a cavalryman and two legionaries, together with a couple of large caltrop-type wooden obstacles and a bundle of arrows for a war machine. The latter comes in another set, 23004, which contains a mounted cavalryman (different from the one on the first set), two legionaries (one the same as the first set and one in a new pose throwing a pilum, a war arrow-firer and some more arrows for it. The final set, 22404, contains two legionaries, one in a defending pose (as in the first set) and one with shield raised over his head, together making the body of the famous Roman defensive formation the Testudo (Tortoise).

It’s great to see more ancient period figures coming out in plastic, especially classic Romans. The painting is acceptable, with the shields being especially good but the flesh is a little ‘oriental’. The mounted, and some foot figures, come with tiny plug-in bases which provide little stability. There are larger bases supplied for some foot figures and these are much better, nicely scenic and offering a stable support to the figures. The all-action poses are good and so is the detail.

Date Published Mon, 10/01/2007 - 13:00
Author: Mike Blake

Forces of Valor
Unimax Toys
17-19 Canton Road
Hong Kong

In the UK:
Ivanhoe Figures
6 Manor House Road
South Yorks
S61 1NT

Tel: 01709 558649

Toy Soldier Collector GNM Miniatures Mameluke
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GNM Miniatures Mameluke

Review taken from 'New Releases'

As I said only last issue, GNM Miniatures have been one of my favourite small makers for longer than I care to remember. So it should come as no surprise that here we are two months down the line and I’m reviewing another new figure from Graham Mollard, the owner of the business.

This figure depicts a Mameluke who was attached to the Imperial Guard Chasseur à Cheval during the battle of Austerlitz 1805. This figure, and indeed nine others in the range, depict the ‘Parade Of The Flags’ after the battle, where reportedly between 14 and 17 captured colours were paraded in front of Napoleon. Three of the figures from this series, including Napoleon, were featured in issue 14 and this is the latest addition to the range. Graham informs me not only are there 10 figures in this series, but there’s also a diorama base on which to display the completed series (hopefully we’ll get a shot of this in an upcoming issue of TSC).

I picked this figure out from the latest batch of releases from GNM as the flag really caught my eye, and it is of course the Colonel’s flag from the Azov Regiment (thanks for the info Graham as I hadn’t a clue!) This is a really attractive but quite unusual piece. A Mameluke in the service of the French, carrying a captured Russian flag, definitely not something I see every day! As always with Graham’s work this figure is to the highest standards in both sculpting and painting, and although not cheap at £90.00, it’s worth every penny. For those with a large enough budget the entire series of 10 figures can be purchased for £900.00, and with this you automatically get the diorama base free of charge.

Date Published Wed, 08/01/2007 - 14:41
Author: Rob Hendrie

GNM Miniatures
Yew Bank
Skipton Road
BD20 6HJ

Tel: 01535 691587

Toy Soldier Collector W. Britain WWII
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W. Britain WWII

Review taken from 'New Releases'

Last issue we gave over a couple of pages to the new W. Britain ACW sets, this issue I thought we should head back to this side of the ‘pond’ with some WWII British ‘Tommies’. Just like the ACW range, the modern style matt WWII range was also started by Richard Walker and Ken Osen back in the late 1990s (see last issue for further information on Walker/Osen history). Like the ACW range, the WWII series is now being given a new lease of life by the pair.

Already available within the WWII range are a number of German and US troops, along with a couple of vehicles (an M8 Greyhound and an ambushed Steyr) and now arriving to join the foray are the British! The first Tommy release in the series was a single figure (not shown here) who has now been followed up by three new sets, one set features two figures whilst the other two contain three.

The two piece set (17876) features one kneeling and one standing firing figure, the first three piece set (17713) includes two figures readying for action with a third firing his Sten gun, whilst with the final set (17714) you get a Bren gunner, a figure standing ready and another throwing a grenade. Like most of the new W. Britain figures these are really well sculpted and painted, and the little touches such as the inclusion of shovels on some of the figures helps make them individuals rather than all generic.

Prices for these new sets are as follows: 17876 £31.99/$56.00 and 17713 and 17714 are £44.99/$68.00 each, prices are based on the W. Britain RRP list although prices can vary slightly.

Date Published Wed, 08/01/2007 - 14:38
Author: Rob Hendrie

For the UK & Europe:
W. Britain Ltd.
Wireless Hill Industrial Estate
South Luffenham
Oakham, Rutland
LE15 8NF

Tel: 01780 721723

For the Rest of the World:
W. Britain
PO Box 52
IA 52068-0052

Tel: +1 563 582 2071

Toy Soldier Collector Errol John Studios Indian Mutiny
Errol John Studios Indian Mutiny

Review taken from 'Casting Around'

Confession time. I had overlooked the fact that this year marks the 150th anniversary of the Indian Mutiny in 1857. I have Errol Pace of ErrolJohn Studios to thank for reminding me and, with the anniversary in mind, sending me some splendid castings of mutineers and British troops.

Shown here are three sepoy mutineers – kneeling firing, standing firing and charging (this last one has a surprisingly Napoleonic look). The first two are also available with alternate arms for a figure holding a musket while reaching behind to draw a cartridge from the cartouche or cartridge box. Customers should request the alternate arms if they want those versions. Assembly is simple, just attaching the arms in all three cases, and bases for two of the figures.

Representing British forces are an officer of infantry or cavalry in helmet with pugaree, officer of infantry or cavalry in field cap with neck protection, officer of infantry or cavalry in trench kit and a gunner of the Bombay Horse Artillery. Assembly of these is even simpler, as only the sword carried by three of the officers and the bases for all four figures are provided separately. Strips of thin metal are provided for sword belts (not shown here). These and the mutineer figures are first class castings, are excellent value and deserve careful painting.

The Indian Mutiny castings measure 58mm approx and all cost £7.50 each. They are all provided with painting instructions.

Date Published Wed, 08/01/2007 - 14:18
Author: Paul Stocker

Errol John Studios
3 Field Avenue
Tydd St Giles
PE13 5LJ

Tel: 01945 870719

Toy Soldier Collector Weston Toy Co. Gunfighters
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Weston Toy Co. Gunfighters

Review taken from 'Plastic Reviews'

‘South of the Border’ – The Gunfighters

The ever smiling Steve Weston has fulfilled his promise (and, I suspect a life-long dream) to produce his own range of figures and the first are some superb Gunfighters. The metal masters were on Steve’s stand at shows and generated a lot of interest. These guys will be very familiar to lovers of Hollywood, clearly being inspired by the classic Westerns, perhaps one in particular? Clad in simple Stetson, shirt, waistcoat (sorry, vest) and straight leg trousers or jeans, these are truly seven ‘magnificent’ figures!

Poses are action-packed as expected from the genre, but three are more relaxed though still deadly – one looks like a certain bald man in black with pistol levelled but not yet started dealing lead, another is actually gesturing with his left hand for his opponent not to draw, or back off, or both (though he does have his gun out just in case his words aren’t heeded), and the third-my favourite-is a most unusual figure. He’s tall, looks the epitome of the iconic cowboy, and is about to throw a knife under-arm rather than draw a hog leg! I can’t bring another such knife fighter to mind – is this a first in Old West figures? The other figures are wielding pistols or Winchesters (rifles rather than carbines, judging by the barrel lengths) with lethal intent.

This is a cracking first set from this brand new company (though Steve has been in the toy soldier business for many years), and one eagerly awaited by the plastic figure fraternity. The Old West has been sadly neglected by modern plastic makers, and it is great to see it getting some new figures at last. The sets in pale brown plastic, 14 figures in seven poses, sell for a very reasonable £10.00.

More good news is that there are two more South of the Border sets on their way; Mexican Bandits and Mexican Peons, in the same format and at the same price. These will fill an even bigger gap than their Northern compadres – no one has ever paid enough attention to Mexican figures, bandito or civilian, and yet they are essential for good gunfight games!

Date Published Wed, 08/01/2007 - 14:14
Author: Mike Blake

Steve Weston Toy Soldiers
Weston Toy Co.
14 Limburg Road
Canvey Island

Tel: 01268 680117

Toy Soldier Collector Yeomanry Miniatures - World at War Series - Staff Car & Personnel
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Yeomanry Miniatures - World at War Series - Staff Car & Personnel

Review taken from 'New Releases Part 2'

Having announced his return to the production of toy soldiers at the last London show of 2010, and given the encouraging response to the news from collectors, Brian Harrison has been quick to react and build on the many inquiries that he received back in December.

A mark of how successful his impeding return to full time production has been is the fact that as a result of his presence at the show and the subsequent posting of a number of photos of his excellent figures on the Treefrog Forum a reprint of his catalogue/figure list is now required and the rest of 2011 will see the release of a number of brand new figures across the whole Yeomanry range.

First off the production line is a new Staff Car that combines the talents of master sculptor Alan Caton and the modelling skills of Dave Love of Mountford Miniatures. Dave has been responsible for the master sculpt of the vehicle while Alan has concentrated his efforts on the car’s occupants.

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