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Toy Soldier Collector ATS - Light Brigade Castings

ATS - Light Brigade Castings

Review taken from 'Casting Around'

I can’t have been the only person whose imagination was stirred by the feature on the painted ATS Light Brigade figures in issue 25. There is a particular mystique about that charge on the Russian guns notwithstanding, or maybe because of, the fact that it was such a disaster. Of course, the glamour and élan of 19th Century light cavalry helps. By contrast, the charge of the Heavy Brigade is much less well known, despite being a successful action. Hopefully, Nik’s splendid new ‘Heavies’ featured in the last issue will help raise its profile.

Although I don’t have room for the sort of display shown in the feature, I had to have at least a few of the Light Brigade figures for my collection and this has given me an opportunity to feature some of Nik’s castings. Shown here are castings of Lord Cardigan, Captain Lewis Nolan and Captain Morris of the 17th Lancers.

These are excellent castings with crisp detail and the individual faces are very good. Each casting comes as a kit of around a dozen parts and it is worth conducting a ‘dry run’ before actual assembly. A bit of filing, drilling and filling is likely to be needed but the result will be worth it. Each kit comes with an illustrated painting guide to add to the pictures in the earlier review.

These ATS castings measure 56mm approx and cost £16.50 each plus 10% P&P. This seems like excellent value.

Date Published Thu, 03/26/2009 - 16:41
Author: Paul Stocker

Alexanders Toy Soldiers
14 Constance Road

Tel: 0208 867 2664


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