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Toy Soldier Collector Master Sculptor- Artist-Toy Soldier Genius

Master Sculptor- Artist-Toy Soldier Genius

A profile of master sculptor Alan Caton, an insight into his views on the current toy soldier hobby and the possible challenges to be faced in the future

All these titles could well be used to describe master sculptor Alan Caton. It is safe to say that if Alan had not gone into the toy soldier manufacturing business some 48 years ago, then the modern toy soldier collecting scene as we know it to today would be a poorer place, definitely very different if not nonexistent!

Alan’s client list during his time in the hobby reads like a who’s who of the toy soldier making world. It would probably be easier to list the manufacturers that he has not worked for during the last 48 years rather than listing those that have enlisted Alan’s help as a master sculptor, artist and/or advisor.


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