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Toy Soldier Collector Treasure awaits

Treasure awaits

Regular contributor Dennis Diamond returns this issue with some hints and tips on picking up good quality old toy soldiers for reasonable prices

Being an avid toy soldier collector, seasoned or recently converted, you will want to expand your miniature empire and swell the ranks of your 54mm plastic or lead figures. Nowadays it can be an expensive passion and you might think you need to be a hefty lottery winner in order to regularly feed the bug which you have caught. Just as when you were a child you look on longingly at the new releases in the ‘toy shop’ window, but parents are no longer by your side for you to beg pleadingly for them to quell that rumbling of green eyed want. So how do you meet the need? Rob a bank, wait for an inheritance, or like most of us mere penniless mortals you simply buy within your means, though this entails going without, but hey that’s life! One solution is to seek out those people who do not value toy soldiers as highly as us fanatics. Incidentally what is the collective term for toy soldier collectors, is there one, if there is I have never heard it, unless ‘Anorak‘ or ‘Nerd’ count, a couple of disparaging remarks I, and I am sure many of you, have endured at some time from friends and family alike, who snigger at a grown man (or woman) handling what they perceive as a childish toy.


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